things you outta know:

Days complete: 40 of 40

!!!!!!!!   WE ARE IN NEW YORK    !!!!!!

Thank you, thank you, for all your love, encouragement, prayers and support.  We will continue to update about our New York adventures and will arrive back home on Tuesday morning.


Friday, July 4, 2008

"Im gon'a Wichita...far from this opera foreva' more!" -Jack White

Day 21  -  Abbeyville, KS to Wichita, KS  -  55 Miles

We had to stop to mess around in a corn patch!

Hide and Corn!

"AL...MOST...THERE...the faster we get to Wichita, the faster we get to stop riding for a day..."  The thought raced through our minds as we mindless and wearily made our way down the 96 to the biggest city we'd seen since Colorado Springs.  Our legs were tired, but nothing could ease the excitement of being finished for another week and the knowledge of getting to give out *behinds* a much needed rest!

It is our plan to stay in Wichita through Saturday, without any thought of riding our bikes, of course, and to start out again on Sunday.  Rest days truly are the best days!

Not close enough... This is a shot of Les giving a thumbs up to a sign with a horse and carriage.  In Wichita, among other places, there is a heavy Mennonite community and many of them still use this type of transportation.

Here is one of the best parts of getting to Wichita: Aaron Hopson's grandfather lives here and he was more than ready to put us up in a Best Western for the night AND take us out to dinner!  Oh the thought of a soothing shower, a REAL bed, and a meal sounded so great!


Les, Mr. Gil Stroud, Aaron.  Thanks again Mr. Stroud!

Our plans: to not think about riding for a day or so.  That's all.  Well, we have to plan out our next week's course (i.e. are we going to catch ourselves up to speed?  If so, how?  Where do we need to stop each night?  Are there any's or's in Kentucky?  Have they even heard of the internet in Kentucky?).  

We both thoroughly enjoy our days off because they give us a much needed opportunity to not only rest, but to process.  Many times we go through life without taking any time at all just to think about what happened to us.  For Les and I it was a great deal of learning about what life throws our direction.  In a very literal sense, it was the wind for an entire week.  But honestly, is that not simply an analogy for life?  Life can be frustrating, but it is entirely about how one fashion's his or herself to react to the "headwinds" in life.  Les and I sang songs, told jokes, talked about life, etc., and simply co-decided that in the midst of life's trials, "these too shall pass."  They always do, and they always make one stronger in the end.  


Anonymous said...

Guys, its been great following your journey from Israel, I especially love watching your videos (and I do have to comment: you guys may be going a bit crazy). I hope you guys have a great rest day, and blessings on you for the remainder of your journey.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
I just caught up on your entire trip... it is now 4am (I started reading at 2am). I have really enjoyed reading about your journey and looking at the pictures, however, my favorite part (like everyone elses) are the videos. :) I'm praying for you guys and will be thinking of you in a mere 2 hours when I head out with my dad on my first bike ride in like 5 years... YIKES! Hope the rest of your rest goes well and I look forward to seeing the next post!

Anonymous said...

haha O man, corn field. Remember watching the movies any kind of alien adaptions or horror scenes are always taken in the corn fields just like tragedies and superheros are always happening in NY? and, that's where the two of you are going!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK, How cool is it that donald miller and a few kenyan cohorts are riding the same time you two are. thats just awesome. God Bless guys I hope you enjoyed your rest may God's rest lead you on as you start up again tomorrow.


Cath said...

Read up on the Miller team, very cool! God bless them and you for spreading the word about their project. I’ll pass it on.

Be careful in Kansas, Denny is right, a cornfield can be a dangerous place. Glad to see you’re taking time to be a kid and just having some good ole fashion fun!

Looking forward to hearing about the last couple of days. Hope you and your tuckuses had some much needed rest.

Lifting you up each day, praying for God’s guidance along your way.

Love, Me

Donald Miller (author of Blue Like Jazz) tours the country too! But why?

Please think about supporting Don and his team as they tour the country and raise funds for wells in Uganda.

Click here to follow/support Don on his tour