Day 39 - Wilmington, DE to New Brunswick, NJ - 96 Miles
Well, ladies and gentlemen, grandma's and friends of grandma's, today was our FINAL full day of riding...which we all know means that tomorrow is our LAST DAY!
The excitement has already built and is brimming and flowing out of me and les. We really cannot believe we have ridden our bikes this far! Wow.
Anyway, we have a days worth of stories/events to tell, so on we go!
We woke at a reasonable 7:15ish and came into the kitchen of our host, Tom, to find him fixing up a tasty breakfast. Eggs, turkey-sausage, toast, and oatmeal with cooked cinnamon apples. Topped off with an excellent cup of coffee and Les and I were left thinking about how this breakfast was easily one of the best we've had so far!
Tom and his fiancee, Diane--Wilmington, DE
We pushed off and headed north toward Philly (Philadelphia). All was well for the first 20 miles, and our muscles eventually woke up with the constant up and down, pulling and pushing.
Les is furious. But why? The sign in the background reads: "Share the road with motorcycles." Uhhh hello! What about Bicycles?
The city of Brotherly love.
And then it happened...again!
It was an inch-long screw...beautiful...but I guess we've been due for another puncture cuz it's been a while!
Philly was only a few more miles and before we knew it we were cruising through south philly with its interesting track homes, and into downtown with its museums, statues, and of course, ROCKY STEPS!
Southern Philly housing
Les on the Famous Rocky Steps
Be sure to turn up your volume!
We just had to get a cheesesteak, because no trip through Philly would be complete without one. We endulged in honor of our buddy Tyler Madsen (a cheesesteak fanatic!) and felt quite content afterward. From Philly our ride was anything but over--we still had a daunting 65 miles to go! But today's milage was the last thing on our minds, we had more important things to think about, like, obviously, GETTING TO NEW YORK tomorrow!
We pushed and pushed and pushed, and finally, after what seemed like ages, we rolled into New Brunswick, N.J. tired, hungry, and all the more closer to our goal.
New Brunswick...then New York!
Dinner was Pizza again, obviously!
hahahah you goofs
man, you guys had quite a journey all this way but i bet your proudest (most proud?) accomplishment was to conquer the rocky steps eh?
HELLO NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brittany and I were about an hour and a half (driving time) away from you on Tuesday. We were riding the Strausburg railroad with family that day, and it doesn't get to philadelphia anymore.
Glad to see you guys made your destination with time to enjoy Nueva York. Too bad it didn't work out, but if you make your way to the NW, we'll be sure to see you then.
Glad you guy made it. Hope to see more photos soon. I've enjoyed reading about your pre-Delaware riding. Tommy
I loved the Rocky video, especially the end where you yelled, "Allison!" As far as life goals, check out Ralph Waldo Emerson's poem entitled, "Success." Best to you, Diane
Loved the Rocky video! Loved the pic of the housing. Cool front porches where neighbors sit together and everybody know everybody else’s business. Also loved the price of the cheese steak & BLT sandwiches! Can’t get a sandwich of any kind here in So Cal for $3 bucks or under.
Have a GREAT time in New York! Go to Serendipity and have a Sundae for me…yum!
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