Day 12: Montrose to Gunnison
Les and I decided that Gunnison must be filled with lots of guns and lots of sons (probably in the olden days it was called "guns 'n sons" and was later shortened so as to ensure a healthy economy!). If so then soon, either due to an over population of males, or an over population of vagrant guns sleeping in gutters and on bus benches, this city will be nothing more than a bunch of abandon buildings with a river running through it. Fortunately for tourists like les and I, there appears to be females and, by the looks of things, no half asleep homeless guns waking up cranky and disturbing the public.
ok ok, bad joke!
The abode of the generous Shine's. Thanks again guys!
Anyway, our day began with Les and I sleeping a bit longer than we planned, but can you blame us? We have the Rockies to climb! We ate breakfast, hit the store, broke apart les' old helmet (see video below), then hit the road.
The helmet is dead... affirmative, we poked it, it was dead.
Oh yeah, the ride! The day started out with a steady incline and WIND!!! But whoever said wind and hills were bad things? Not us! We laughed at it (and to all you who commented on our last post that it seems like we're going a little insane, you're probably right...) and begged it to be steeper and hit us harder! It didn't though, and we figured it was scared! The Rockies are ours! (by the way, we really only have one more day of riding in these magnificent, picturesque mountains until we begin to descend into eastern Colorado and then bleak, flat Kansas! :( (that's a sad face, by the way) )
A shot of the hillside as we climbed our second hill of two today
Les sings and stuff!
We met three other tourists while riding today. All three of them happened to have the same bike as me (Aaron). Here is a picture of three (of four) tired Surly's.
As we continued down the 50 we noticed that our water supply was running quite low, so we pulled off the road to fill up. The place we found (or rather didn't find) water was called Sapinero. Armed with an abandoned school house, and abandoned gas station, and some kind of abandoned general store, this city was not looking very promising in terms of satisfying our water needs. We went around back and looked for a spicket, pail, trough (most likely given how old this place looked), faucet, or ANYTHING that produced water. But we didn't find anything. So we did what any thirsty person would do: we walked up a dirt path leading to a mobile home park just above. While there were plenty of mobile homes (seeming to indicate plenty of life) there was nobody to be found. After looking around for a few moments we just turned on a hose and, like the train-robbers we are, filled up. Job complete.
Aaron looking a little less than terrifying while "borrowing" water
Gunnison, so far, seems to be a pretty cool place. We are staying with a guy named Joe who we found on couch From looking at his profile on the website he seems to be a pretty cool guy, so we are looking forward to hanging out with he and his roommates tonight.
Longest hill ride of the trip tomorrow, but the pictures we'll take from it will make up for everything! Until then...
You guys are the best! I just read everything from Day 2 on (cause the last I read was Day 1). I sent up a prayer for you guys today! You have no idea how much I am enjoying reading this. This is exactly the kind of adventure I want to do someday, and I am totally living vicariously through you two right now. Promise that someday, months or years after you return from this, you'll do it again and I can join you???
love every single detail of your stories and pictures.
Love you guys
and also, love the joke inside of a joke
Right above the pic of les biking on the front porch of the Shine's, there's a paragraph mentioning something something and "no homeless guns" maybe guys instead of guns? Or, unless, other states determine any illegally owned or unowned guns are homeless
Wow 1000, miles
Well done Guys.
Aaron, Grandma was telling me about your other fans at Grandma Elsie's It seems she is keeping every one there on pins and needles waiting to know how far you guys went. Pretty nice !!And sending up lots of prayers for ya guys.Love Mom and Dad
Ha! Aaron you're so funny in the second video! Ha Les is talking/singing and you're bobbing around in the back! HA ha ha, that was so funny, I'm gonna go watch it again and laugh some more, you guys crack me up!
P.S. Les I'm REALLY glad you got a new helmet.
First: LOVE the new opening pic/ headline!
B: I second Alli! I love your videos Les! And Aaron i love how you were bobbing your head in and out of the last one! I love your videos!
C: I Love your blog period!
Hi guys
Good jobs riding your bikes across America.
I think I would never do, not even across Switzerland.
But I really hope you enjoy your trip and get to New York safely, and you should send me a postcard once you get there.
wow!! you guys are having a blast and that is so awesome to see! glad to keep updated every day with your blog and see what's going on for you.
i am trying my best to pray for you as often as i remember it... and look forward to more updates!
haha nvm, the joke was on me. Hope u guys are enjoying the Rockies as much as you enjoy life
YOU GUYS ARE INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE!!! I have to give a huge PROPS to you guys! I've had people at work checking this site out to! They all think you guys are unbelievable! KEEP IT UP!!
Don't go to Gunnison!! It won't be there when you arrive!! Justin and I were watching tv last night and they nuked Gunnison!! Odd thing though there were these creatures that looked like aliens and other ones that looked and acted like predator... Do you think it was a movie? It sure looked real to me!! So there's my warning - Don't be surprised if you arrive at Gunnison and find ground zero instead!
you guys shouldnt hate on kansas it's one of my favorite places! not all bad :)
LOVE the videos! guys are hilarious. I know with each other and with Christ on your side you both will accomplish the trip to New York
--Marc V
Hey Fellas,
Happy Trails
Aaron the head bob is hilarious. I wish i was there. Those videos are hilarious i'm watching them all right now
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