things you outta know:

Days complete: 40 of 40

!!!!!!!!   WE ARE IN NEW YORK    !!!!!!

Thank you, thank you, for all your love, encouragement, prayers and support.  We will continue to update about our New York adventures and will arrive back home on Tuesday morning.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Redlands 50

at it again!

it has been some time since our last serious ride. that winter season is a cycling killer. how do those colorado riders do it?

this ride took us through brea canyon, up diamond bar blvd, above the 60 and 10 freeways to route 66 (foothill blvd). at that point, we split off; aaron returning home and les heading east until he reached redlands.

highlight of the trip:
les' seat post clamp bursting, causing the seat to drop five inches about 20 miles into the ride. after a run around in chino, we finally landed at a home depot and bought an semi-adequate replacement part.

second highlight:
delicious homemade powerbars that kept us nourished. oh, we're gonna love these this summer.

third highlight:
a warm welcome - finish line, blue ribbon and cold shower. thanks to our redland's friend.

it was so good to get back on the road. this trip to new york is going to be difficult. but it is going to be well worth the effort.

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Donald Miller (author of Blue Like Jazz) tours the country too! But why?

Please think about supporting Don and his team as they tour the country and raise funds for wells in Uganda.

Click here to follow/support Don on his tour