things you outta know:

Days complete: 40 of 40

!!!!!!!!   WE ARE IN NEW YORK    !!!!!!

Thank you, thank you, for all your love, encouragement, prayers and support.  We will continue to update about our New York adventures and will arrive back home on Tuesday morning.


Monday, October 15, 2007

orange circle...

when time is limited, you tend to get creative...or sleep.

aaron and les chose the former on saturday, october 6th.

since aaron had to work at 10.30, we decided to meet at 7 a.m. to ride 40 miles to the orange circle and back again.

we did so.

and now, introducing, our first cycling-duo blog picture:

and now for our second:

Donald Miller (author of Blue Like Jazz) tours the country too! But why?

Please think about supporting Don and his team as they tour the country and raise funds for wells in Uganda.

Click here to follow/support Don on his tour