While eating avocado and wheat french bread, and enjoying a warm June night, the vision was born.
"Hey man, what do you think about riding our bikes across the country?"
Dramatic pause.
"I usually don't do this, but right now, I am one-hundred percent in."
And so it began.
here is the plan...(tentatively)
we are going to ride to new york and back, or ride for two months...whichever comes first.
projected departure: June 1st, 2008, 8 AM, huntington beach pier.
As the event approaches we will be inviting friends, family, and anyone interested in people touring long distances, to join us at the Huntington Beach Pier for our inaugural "Tire Dip." We will dip our back tires in the Pacific Ocean and, upon arrival in New York, dip our front tires in the Atlantic. This should take 30 days....we hope.
The next 5 days will be spent in New York, where we will rest and enjoy the city that never sleeps. Then, our next three weeks will be dedicated to cycling...somewhere. For now, we have been thinking about touring the Mid-West or possibly the Atlantic coast.
here's a picture from googlemaps. thank you google.

Be it by bus, train, hitchhiking, friends road tripping to pick us up (nudge nudge), etc., we will find our way home by july 31st, 2008.
this tour is about new york, but it is also about the road. it is about the destination, but also about the journey...the physical and the spiritual. amen.
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